Shutting down my water system for winter in my van. December 2022

Steps to take to shut down/ winterize my water system in my van. I have a fresh water tank under my bed. 1. Drain your tank – run your pump with all water spickets open (sink/shower etc). Make sure not to leave your pump running once the water tank is empty. 1A. If you have a water release on the bottom of your tank it is helpful to park on a incline and letting it drain. 2. Leave your water spickets open to drain any remaining water out of the hoses after the pump is shut off. 3. Empty under the sink disposable water tank. My shower automatically drains out. 4. Leave your spickets open while in storage. This will let air and excess water escape.

Additional Items 1. You can also unattach your water tank from your pump 2. If possible bow out your hoses to ensure no water is in there

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